I HAVE been to two OA meetings and am a compulsive overeater' I am excited about this program and am looking forward to becoming the person I was created to be
Adult children of alcoholics are people who have grown up in a family affected by one or two parents that were addicted to or chronically abused alcohol. People from these backgrounds become adults who live dysfunctional lives. This article deals with the first step as used by the organisation called 'al-anon' which is a society that teaches people how to recover from the effects of living with one or two parents addicted to alcohol.
I don't understand this website very well. It says to get the worksheets you have to go to the public forum? What happens if you want to work the steps but you don't know where to get them?
So often we ACoA get caught up in feeling all the feelings of the past, that we sometimes get stuck in what once was. In fact, sometimes we get so caught up in how we used to feel, we forget that we aren't powerless anymore. As a recovering ACoA I have learned to embrace my past as a gift. Because I am an ACoA I was forced to look within for answers, and as a result I found the greatest blessings ever. I found--ME.
I was given the gift of abstinence. I say a "gift" because it came about because I was scared. I thought I was dying; literally. I thought I had serious liver damage. I mean, I drank for 30 years. So I stopped. But it turned out to be diverticulitis. Still serious, but not life threatening.
I can't figure out how to use this tool. Where are the worksheets? Where are the posts? ughhh...lol...I will keep trying. I can't even find a help link!
just getting used to using
just getting used to using the computer hope i can did this right
You are doing it write. keep
You are doing it right. keep coming back to meetings and keep journaling.
I can't figure out how to use
I can't figure out how to use this tool. Where are the worksheets? Where are the posts? ughhh...lol...I will keep trying. I can't even find a help link!