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AA Sitewide Public Group
custodian 12 years 4 months ago Request group membership
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ACA Sitewide Public Group
custodian 11 years 9 months ago Request group membership
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Al-Anon Sitewide Public Group
custodian 11 years 10 months ago Request group membership
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NA Sitewide Public Group
custodian 12 years 4 months ago Request group membership
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OA Sitewide Public Group
custodian 11 years 10 months ago Request group membership
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Public Activities by custodian

ACoA Trauma Syndrome - Full Commentary

The Importance of Al-Anon for Family Members

The Importance of Al-Anon for Family Members

By Vicki Nash

I am a grateful recovering alcoholic, as well as a grateful recovering survivor of a couple of dysfunctional family systems. I have been on every side of this disease, beginning as the daughter of an alcoholic, the wife of an alcoholic (big surprise), my own alcoholism, and the mother of an alcoholic. Yes, this is indeed a disastrous family disease that destroys wonderful, loving people in the process.

The Benefits of 12 Steps of Narcotic Anonymous

The 12 steps of Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholic Anonymous are usually introduced in recovering alcoholics and addicts during their stay in drug rehab. Some inhabitants respond to the 12 steps with doubt, and even though the 12 steps are not a scientific method or an evidence-based program of addiction treatment, they do provide a lot of importance to people new to upturn and are a worthwhile insertion in any alcohol or drug treatment program. Here are some benefits of 12 Steps Support Groups.

Adult Children of Alcoholics - The First Step

Adult children of alcoholics are people who have grown up in a family affected by one or two parents that were addicted to or chronically abused alcohol. People from these backgrounds become adults who live dysfunctional lives. This article deals with the first step as used by the organisation called 'al-anon' which is a society that teaches people how to recover from the effects of living with one or two parents addicted to alcohol.

Adult Children of Alcoholics: How We Help Save The World

So often we ACoA get caught up in feeling all the feelings of the past, that we sometimes get stuck in what once was. In fact, sometimes we get so caught up in how we used to feel, we forget that we aren't powerless anymore. As a recovering ACoA I have learned to embrace my past as a gift. Because I am an ACoA I was forced to look within for answers, and as a result I found the greatest blessings ever. I found--ME.

Adult Children of Alcoholics - How To Be Happy

Adult Children of Alcoholics - How To Be Happy

By Lisa A. Romano

When you are the adult child of an alcoholic or the product of being raised by one, you can't quite put your finger on what's wrong. All you know is you feel ill, inappropriate; like a misfit.

As we age, our ego has never learned to trust this place we call home, and so--ego grows.

Profile Info

custodian's picture
Program: Narcotics Anonymous
Recovery Date: 2/16/00
Member since: 12 years 4 months ago