So glad I found this place. I am looking forward to gaining comradery with like minded folks who are actively working on the 12 steps in order to over come their addiction with food. I am a new member of Overeaters Anonymous. I am working on step one. I am hoping to find others that are doing the same.
I don't understand this website very well. It says to get the worksheets you have to go to the public forum? What happens if you want to work the steps but you don't know where to get them?
I new this page - i am new to changing my ways -denial for years alcholics are good at fooling others and themselfs i wantchange i feel traped in this , congrats to the group who have done such long lenghtnes and small lenghts well done xx
well here goes nothing. one month ago i moved 350 miles to start a new life. this guy we will call him mark asked me to move in with him and i said yes. i quit my full time fob after 3 years gave up my aparment i had this for 5 years. Mark owes me 1,500 dollars. he is also in recovery 5 years. and is 11 years younger han me. maybe this brothers him i dont know. it seam latley the only time he talks to me is when he wants something. and not sex. because we have not had sex with each other. so i guess im just very confused of what his intentios are.