So glad I found this place. I am looking forward to gaining comradery with like minded folks who are actively working on the 12 steps in order to over come their addiction with food. I am a new member of Overeaters Anonymous. I am working on step one. I am hoping to find others that are doing the same.
I find myself looking inward over the past few days, and to be honest I have no idea who I am seeing in the mirror. I see an adict, a lyer, thief, and many other horrible things. Finally reaching the point of being sick and tired, and wanting to see my old self again I called my doctor today and for the first time, I admitted to having a problem and to see what options I have. After a bit I found out they will send me to a outpatient clinic where I will be given medication to help with the problem, also I will attend meetings, drug test, and even a shrink to help with other issues which
Once you start attending Narcotics Anonymous 12 step meeting the next thing you probably want to do is start working the 12 steps. It is not recommended that you do this alone, because this is a "we" program: we can't do it alone. Keep your ear out for someone sharing in your meetings that you can identify with, and like their message. Ask this person to be your sponsor. If they can't, don't take it personally ("It's not all about you") and just keep trying. The right person will be there at the right time. A sponsor will ask you to follow their suggestions.
well here goes nothing. one month ago i moved 350 miles to start a new life. this guy we will call him mark asked me to move in with him and i said yes. i quit my full time fob after 3 years gave up my aparment i had this for 5 years. Mark owes me 1,500 dollars. he is also in recovery 5 years. and is 11 years younger han me. maybe this brothers him i dont know. it seam latley the only time he talks to me is when he wants something. and not sex. because we have not had sex with each other. so i guess im just very confused of what his intentios are.
I was given the gift of abstinence. I say a "gift" because it came about because I was scared. I thought I was dying; literally. I thought I had serious liver damage. I mean, I drank for 30 years. So I stopped. But it turned out to be diverticulitis. Still serious, but not life threatening.