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How to conquer my fear

I didn't know I needed to. I was to much making arrangements to make a daily planner. Just so I wouldn't have free time on my hands so when I quit it wouldn't be so hard on me. Then I started to read that fear was a big contributor to forcing people into relapse. And it all made perfect sense to me and as I sat back to listen to my thoughts , I heard myself scared of different things as well. I realized I too was scared of my fear. I feared fear also. And if I didn't face my fear then I was going to have minimal results in effort given. Fear wasn't going to let me get far if I don't tame it, control it and knock it out. But now, how do I do that.? How am I too grab my fear from the balls and stomp it out and away ? I don't know.I guess I have to just deal with it. Face it. And approach it head on without stopping or turning back. It seems to be easier said than done. And fear isn't gonna control itself.  And the faster I handle my fear then the faster I can move on with myself. Well, good luck to me, I guess. 

Qu1f1re's picture
About Qu1f1re

I'm 36 years old. I live in Los Angeles county California. I'm not married, unemployed and not attending any school. I have a 14 month old daughter whom I'm being kept away from and because of that I cry and when I cry I hate myself and when I hate myself I then run to drugs. It's that vicious cycle again. I have a boyfriend of two years and I live with my life partner whom is my 3year old Bull Terrier. Did I mention I'm also 2 months pregnant. That's why I need help with getting clean. I am a patient at the Methadone clinic but that doesn't help me enough. I guess my DOC are heroin and methamphetamine and I also do the Methadone too. I really want help with my addictions. Because I really miss my daughter. I never been to a NA meeting but want to go if someone would go with me ! I'm a good girl. I don't disrespect and live drama free. I go by Jesus's motto as "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". And I believe that to the core of me.I'm a great friend and a good listener. So if anyone ever needs to talk to someone, I can be that someone. I've heard that I give out really good advice. So don't be shy, I won't be mean. I'll be nice, I swear. I just look mean.!


Gosmart's picture

Hi there.  I was just wondering if you have been able to start the steps yet?

I liked your post.  Hope all is well.
