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About Me

I desperately need to start my recovery but everyday I put it off, so far by some miracle I have remained under the radar of social services but I know it is only a matter of time before someone like a teacher or a neighbour reports me and then my 2 children 7yrs and 4yrs will be removed from my care. As I am constantly and obviously under the influence of my Drug's.of choice. I hate myself that the attention and boundaries that I provide foe my children are so inconsistent and that my strange behaviour frequently disturbs them, we constantly go without things because all my income is spent on drugs. I wanted to be a much much better version of a parent than I have been, I feel I am letting my children down so m7ch and that if I am not able to stop using then I will end up raising two very unhappy and emotionally damaged adults.

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custodian 12 years 3 months ago Request group membership
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Profile Info

Program: Narcotics Anonymous
Member since: 3 months 2 weeks ago