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About Me

Hello, welcome to the world of Phil. I'm an alcoholic and my sober date is November 5th of 2022. My rock bottom was three days before that when laid on floor of my recently purchased home trying to watch a World Series game with the Houston Astros playing and having a massive anxiety attack after drinking 20 count of 16oz Bud Light beers trying to quell my anxiety and depression and PTSD that I've endure for the past 52 years basically. My anxiety and depression has been deemed as hereditary received but I never knew either of my parents to endure either but of course in the family I was raised in, mental health wasn't discussed or even taken care of. Now that I'm sober and present I'm able to enjoy special moments like anniversaries and birthdays
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Profile Info

PAlvarado5310's picture
Program: Alcoholics Anonymous
Recovery Date: 11/5/22
Member since: 1 year 4 months ago