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My name is ilsa, and I am an alcoholic and addict.

This is my first time checking this site out. I am writing about step 12, because I am beginning to work with others on a temporary basis. I have worked the steps with my sponsor and have had a spiritual awakening! I am so grateful for a chance to help others, but I am finding it difficult to keep them on topic. Our program here is very solution-focused and I want to help them learn, but sometimes they only want to go on about their horrible day! I pray for patience sometimes, but I see my higher power has a sense of humor, because lord, do they make me call on my patience! Hope to speak with others on this site who are interested in sharing their stories as well!

Step Number: 
ilsa shewolf's picture

I am in recovery, been clean and sober for 18 months! Was addicted to pretty much everything. I am here to discuss the solution to alcoholism (&addiction) because the war stories have no place in my life today. I use my past only as a tool to help others understand that we are not unique in our addictions. I have one daughter and am trying to get my feet on the ground after 25 years of insanity.


custodian's picture

Thank you Ilsa for sharing. You are right, working with other is a very important part of recovery. I always have to remember that I don't have control over what others do. This keeps my humility in check. Sometimes they are not ready for the message of AA. 

On the behalf of TSJ team, we wish you happy journaling privately and publicly. Feel free to ask and share your experience strength and hope. 

Roberta's picture

It can be very time consuming to listen to the person your trying to help. While you are arranging to meet them you'd might make it clear that your time is limited and you only have about half an hour or so to meet with them. For myself I forget that I've changed and I need to realize others haven't and they are where I used to be and it's a reminder of what it was like. If they are progressing with steps the complaints should become less of an issue. They just don't know how to handle life yet. Yes patience is a furtue. Good luck.

Mary W.'s picture

When I first started working with others, my sponsor was right there to teach me what to do.  Yes, they tried my patience, because I wanted them to get well, right now!  What I have learned, over the years, is that if they are ready for the program, they will listen to you and do what you say.  If they still have another drunk in them, they have to go back out and we cannot do anything about it.  When they refuse to do the Steps, I let them go to find another person more to their liking.  But what I know is that they help me stay sober, even if they do not get or stay sober.